Trash Compactors & Debris Boxes

Moscone Center passes along the cost for each event’s use of compactors and debris boxes. Per-pull charges for trash compactors will be billed on the final event settlement.

 Fees for debris box usage for oversized and non-compactable materials will be billed to the General Service Contractor.  Consult the Moscone Event Manager about charges the event is likely to incur based on its size and specifications.

We ask that all events add the Pack In Pack Out document on the left to their exhibitor kits. Excessive booth debris leftover after an exhibitor moves out contributes negatively to sustainability metrics and clients may incur additional costs for removing this waste. 

Some items may be suitable for donation and/or recycling. Exhibitors should reach out to the service desk before the end of the event to review any items that might be eligible for these programs.

 Hazardous waste cannot be disposed of at Moscone Center.